Scientist Aukje Nauta once sent the results of her STD test to a business Whatsapp Number List partner instead of to her lover. oops. Nauta was not ashamed of this personal story in her recent book 'Never pretend again'. 8. The malleable story you tell yourself The corona crisis has made many people think. The stories and structures of the twentieth century have disappeared or crumbled.
We are left to ourselves to answer the fundamental questions of life. Whatsapp Number List What is important? What gives meaning to my life? What do I stand for? We search for our source stories and make different choices. Work is Whatsapp Number List no longer automatically number one. The introverted person also gets the chance to shine . We can do more digitally, want less travel time and also miss social contact at work. People seek more connection in narratives in which sustainability.
Spirituality and the restored connection with nature play a major role. Many organizations ask for stories that bring these themes to life. Whatsapp Number List Attention is also growing for the stories that people tell themselves. What other story is possible when you look back on your life? Can you also tell another story? For organizations, this way of looking provides opportunities to continue to fascinate and retain employees. The enormous growth of walks in corona time has also resulted in a new form for sharing stories: the story walk.