In the past, Long Ago when our grandparents were exploring Gilenor, there were some who were driven to kill the evils the lurked in Gilenor. These warriors were referred to as Gladiators. Gladiators constructed a city on an unnamed island. Gladia was its name. Gladia, a great gladiator, who gave me all I know was my hero. He left me this blade when he died. The blade was used to destroy the Demonic Gladiators. After being forced to OSRS Gold drink from The Chalice of Eternity, the Demonic Gladiators began to go insane. They were driven mad by it and lived for forever before being killed by a powerful warrior. I was too afraid to leave, so I kept the incident to myself. Now, I'm in need of someone to grab this sword and take them down, for Gilenor's sake. You are the only one. Your goal was to kill the most powerful monsters.
I believe I'm able to take down Demonic Gladiators.... I'm sure of it! Excellent! Before I can give you the sword, I require you to provide me with three keys. The three keys were held by the Three Kings of Runescape. King Lathas of Ardougne took the first. The second was taken by the King Roald of Varrock. The third was obtained by Prince Ali. However, I believe that it was Ali who took the Third from the High Priest. Give me the keys and I'll go out.
The key can be obtained from King Lathas. Request King Lathas's key. Hello my friend, adventurer. I'm currently too busy to chat. Could you provide me with the key that you took during the meeting with Prince Ali and King Roald? What do you know about this? Varce told me. He spoke about Demonic Gladiators returning.
I'm not sure I have enough time to take care. If you can bring me some Maple Logs, I will be able to gift it to you. Don't purchase the logs of maple at a bargain price! You have to cut the log yourself! (45 Woodcutting to cut an Oak). Bring the logs back home to King Lathas. Okay. Take this key, I'm going to go. Getting the Key from Buy RuneScape Gold King Roald. Go to King Roald and speak to Advisor Grihm.